05 February 2012

Class 2 Week 5 - Zebras and Traffic Lights

And it started! First Blocking phase is done and hopefully I will start splining this bad boy soon enough. I also changed the planning. this week I barely had any time during the week to work on animation, only had Saturday and Sunday really. Here's how it's looking so far (by the way, Camera 2 was just a test, don't pay too much attention to that part, it's bad!):

And the new backstory:
And for the weekly news, I'd like to announce I'm working full time in a Sports TV Channel, as Assistant Director :) My job consists mainly of controlling what happens during live shows, such as news, live press conferences, etc. I started last week and I love it so far. The Channel is not on air yet but it will go online soon, I'll share when it is. The TV Channel belongs to a Sports Newspaper, here's their website: A BOLA
See you next week!

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